They include 26 people from Taiwan and one from Korea who were included with the Japanese because Taiwan and the Korean Peninsula were under the rule of Japan during the Pacific War. There are also 3 people from Thailand who were originally interned in New Zealand and died in a plane crash with Japanese internees on their way to be interned in Australia before being repatriated on an ill fated prisoner exchange.
192 people are now buried in the Japanese Cemetery in Cowra, NSW, Australia; 11 people who died in a plane crash are buried at the Waikumete Cemetery in Auckland; and two who died on the voyage to Australia from the Dutch East Indies were buried at sea.
The project gives every participant an information kit on a particular internee to ‘adopt’. The participant will be asked to respond to their learnings with a 2D artwork, or a photograph of a work, which includes the name of the internee.
The artworks will be exhibited online, as a print catalogue and also be collated as a part of a large-scale group collage for exhibition.
- must have the internee’s full name somewhere within the artwork
- can be 2D artworks such as illustrations, paintings, photographs, collage, formatted text etc or photographs of 3D works such as sculpture, dance, performance, music score etc
- can be delivered digitally as a high-res photo, a scan (min 5MB) or an original at A4 size
- will have the originals returned to their creators
- must have the copyright held by the artist
- copyright remains with the participant, but will be licensed to this project
Commemorative work
When You Call My Name is a commemorative work. Please be sensitive to those affected by wars. If in doubt, please contact us. We will be more than happy to assist. https://mayu.com.au/WhenYouCallMyName/contact/
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When You Call My Name
● 作品内のどこかに被抑留者の姓名をいれてください。
● イラスト、絵画、写真、コラージュ、詩や文章や楽譜などなどの2D作品もしくは彫刻、ダンス、パフォーマンス、ビデオなどの3D作品の写真を提出できます。
● 高解像度の写真、スキャン(少なくとも5MB)・A4サイズのデータとしても提出できます。
● 作品は作成者にお返しします。
● 著作権保有者は参加者自身です。
● 作品の著作権は参加者に帰属しますが、本プロジェクトでの使用を許可していただくことになります。