
Road to Rātana, Mayu Kanamori 2022, Mixed media collage
そして2020年に滞在したとき、一定の市内名所などの観光を満喫したある日、私はこの町から車で20キロ程南にあるラータナ村(Rātana pa)を訪ねてみることにしたのです。
この村は、1873年生まれ(1939年没)のマオリ民族のプロフェット、 タフポティキ・ウィレム・ラータナ (Tahupōtiki Wiremu Rātana / T.W. ラータナ)にちなみ
名付けられています。この村には今も彼の子孫が居住し、昔T.W .ラータナが住んでいた家や彼のお墓、それに『ラータナ寺院』もあります。そして訪れて分かったのは、このT.W. ラータナこそ、日本の歴史と非常に深い関係を築いてきた人物ということでした。
ニュージーランドのマオリ文化に触れるアオテアロア観光旅行でマオリ独特の文化に触れた日本人も多いでしょう。しかしT.W. ラータナが行った『ラータナ・ムー
Although I have visited Aotearoa New Zealand countless times in my work for news photography, I had the opportunity to visit on holiday for the first time in April 2019. This trip without a clear purpose, such as what I previously had whilst working, felt refreshing and the green landscapes of Aotearoa New Zealand with its volcanoes, valleys and lakes reminded me of Japan. Because of my partner’s work, I then had the opportunity to stay in Whanganui, a town in the south-west region of the North Island in February 2020, just before the covid lockdowns, and then again after the lockdowns in November 2022.
One day after I had finished enjoying most of the city’s tourist attractions, I decided to visit Rātana pa, about 20 km south of Whanganui by car. Tahupōtiki Wiremu Rātana (T.W. Rātana 1873-1939), a Māori prophet born and raised in the southern regions of North Island, had close ties with the Japanese. His descendants live in the Rātana pa, includes the house where T.W. Rātana used to live, his grave and the Rātana Temple.
Although there are many opportunities to encounter Māori culture through sightseeing trips to Aotearoa New Zealand, little is known about T.W. Rātana, the Rātana Movement or the Rātana Church. I thought I would like to listen to the stories of the Rātana pa residents and introduce those stories to the people of Japan. I think that this may lead to new creative activities, but on the other hand, now I don’t exactly know what I want to do. There are still many things I don’t know myself.
I decided to start this process blog on the first day of 2023 as my own study notes, as a creative process blog, and to share the still little-known connections between Māori culture and Japanese culture, the people of Rātana and the Japanese, and Aotearoa New Zealand and Japan.
New Year’s Day 2023 (Written in Japanese, translated into English)
Image: Road to Rātana, Mayu Kanamori 2022, Mixed media collage; Kiwi courtesy of Te Papa Tongarewa OR.012028