mayu kanamori

philosopher's photos

still photography


Silent Protest
Silent Protest
Dawn Action
Dawn Action

The Arrest
The Arrest
The Release
The Release

Stop the Jabiluka Uranium Mine

Australia is a vast country. Japan is a very small country. From the envious Japanese mind, this continent is full of resources that Japan needs in order to survive. There is coal, there is iron ore, there is aluminium, and there is uranium - just to name a few.

Australia does not have nuclear power, so uranium is mined solely for export dollars. Japan is the single largest uranium buyer from this country, and it makes me sad that people from Japan are hungrily contributing to the destruction of the beautiful Australian continent. It makes me angry that my friends and family in Japan turn on their toasters and hairdryers on in the morning without evening knowing where their electricity is coming from.

Photos : Mayu Kanamori
Peace Cloth : Jenny Kee
The Facts of Jabiluka
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