Artists Index Mayu Kanamori

New Year's in Wimera

Mayu Mayu

In Japan the first days of January are most sacred.
This season, I spent these sacred days with my friends in Victoria.
It is said that what you do on New Year's day, you do for the rest of the year.

Kakizome is the first writing of the year. I wrote the character Kokoro.
The heart, the mind, the centre, my kokoro.
I wish my brush strokes were bold, but to me, it looked a little insecure.

Hatsuyume is the first dream of the year.
It is said that your Hatsuyume will come true that year.
I dreamed that I told my lover that I love him.
My dreams...

Hatsumode is the first prayer of the year.
We climbed a mountain, and
I prayed that my dreams may come true.
Not all my dreams will come true, but all my dreams are true
to my kokoro.

Akemashite Omedetou.
Happy New Year.

New Year's in Wimera is part of RAHAI, a collection of three works.
concept: Mayu Kanamori
online: Philosopher's Photos
photos: Bernard Bru / Mayu Kanamori
© 2003 Mayu Kanamori & friends :: sitemap