You’ve Mistaken Me for a Butterfly performances in Canberra and Perth

You’ve Mistaken Me for a Butterfly (the first instalment)

POETRY ON THE MOVE Boundary Crossings: A Festival of Poetry, presented by International Poetry Studies Institute (IPSI) in the Faculty of Arts and Design at the University of Canberra.

16 September 2017, 2PM at the National Portrait Gallery, Canberra, ACT.

You’ve Mistaken Me for a Butterfly (the second instalment)

IAS PUBLIC PERFORMANCE, presented by the Institute of Advanced Studies (IAS), University of Western Australia (UWA) as part of IAS Artist in Residency program.

25 September 2017, 6PM at the Callaway Music Auditorium, UWA, Crawley, WA.

By Mayu Kanamori with music by Terumi Narushima 

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