Presented by Festival Salihara
16 -17 October, 8pm Teater Salihara
CHIKA: A Documentary Performance is a multi layered theatre production with documentary photography, interviews, archival video, original music and choreography. It is contemporary story telling, that crosses the boundaries of art and documentary.
It tells the story of Chika Honda, a Japanese woman who spent a decade in Australian jails for a crime she always insisted she did not commit. She was one of a Japanese tour group who were arrested, convicted and sentenced to jail for importation of heroin in1992. She was released on parole and deported from Australia in 2002. Despite efforts by her lawyers to the United Nations Human Rights Commission, her name has yet to be cleared. The case is commonly known as the Melbourne Case.

ARTISTS: Mayu Kanamori, Macolm Blaylock, Yumi Umiumare,Thomas Fitzgerald., Keith Tucker, Satsuki Odamura, Anne Norman, Toshinori Sakamoto, Nick Franklin, Andrei Shabunov and Chris Harris.
Venue: Komunitas Salihara Jl.Salihara No.16 Pasar Minggu, Jakarta Selatan 12520 Indonesia
More Info:
Watch video: CHIKA: A Documentary Performance on vimeo
CHIKA Jakarta season was made possible by suport of many people. A big thank you to our supporters:
Akiko Hiratsuka | Linda Luke |
Ako Ganivet | Lorna Kaino |
Ann MacArthur | Mary-Jane Field |
Anne Grantham | Matt Rooke |
Anne Norman | Merlinda Bobbis |
Annette Shun Wah | Michael Amendolia |
Anonymous | Miho Watanabe |
Anonymous | Moshe Rosenzveig |
Anonymous | Noriko Tadano |
Anonymous | Olivia Khoo |
Anonymous | Pamela Jones-Morton |
Anonymous | Peter Fraser |
Anonymous | Peter Walkden-Brown |
Anonymous | Ren Yano |
Anonymous | Ronald Dirkse |
Ben Hills | Russell Emerson |
Christine Piper | Ryoko Adachi |
Dhondup Tsering | Ryuichi Fujimura |
Dik Mayhew | Sachiko Hirayama |
Dwight Dowda | Sala Sawada |
Emi Otsuji | Sarah, Vic & Holly McEwan |
Festival Salihara | Sayuri Tokuman |
Fiona Winning | Shingo Usami |
Fumiko Matsui | Shoko Nagami |
Gail Bryant | Shoko Ono |
Grant Cleary | Shun Tanaka |
Hideko Nakamura | Terry Ashman |
Hiromi Ashlin | Tokiko Kiyota |
Hiromi Kurosaka | Tony Lewis |
Hitomi Kurosawa | Toshiko Shimizu |
Indigo Willing | Tramindo Pty Ltd |
Izumi Ibayashi | Tseen Khoo |
Japan Foundation, Jakarta | Tsuchiya Family |
John Romeril | Victoria Spence |
Julie Murakami | Vienna Del Rosario Parreno |
Jun Hamana | Wakako Asano |
Kaz Preston | William Yang |
Kazuki Watanabe | Yasuko Nakagawa |
Kazuko Chalker | Yuji Sone |
Keiko Tamura | Yuka Funabashi |
Ken and Julia Yonetani | Yuko Yamamoto |
Keng Fun Loh | Yumi Sakauchi |
Kikuko Ota | Yumiko Uozu |
Kuni Sekiguchi | Yuriko Nagata |
Larry Lim | Yushiro Mizukoshi |