Every photographer, that is everyone with a camera has at one time or another photographed clouds in the sky. I too have photographed hundreds of clouds and cloud formations in my time both from the ground looking up and from an airplane looking down. But from today I would never be able to photograph clouds in the same way ever again.
As a volunteer translator for 311 Kids Photo Journal, today I translated a blog entry by photographer Masataka Namazu and young photographer Tetsuya Tadano. One of Tetsuya’s photographs of the autumn sky in Kamaya district of Ishinomaki where he used to live before the recent tsunami had the title “Cloud with everyone riding.”
From today onwards whenever I photograph clouds, I will always see loved ones riding on them. Thank you, Tetsuya.
Link to the blog entry by Masataka Namazu and Testuya Tadano:

I love this photo. very nice
Thank you, Chie san!